Please use the National Capital Region Ontario Menopause Doctors Directory to find a Menopause and Perimenopause Specialist who offer gentle and natural relief from your symptoms with custom Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy programs designed specifically for the female body. As your body prepares to end its reproductive phase, your estrogen and progesterone hormones undergo rapid changes. This may cause a wide range of symptoms, with mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain, low sex drive, and mental fogginess being the most common.

Experiencing even one or two of these symptoms can make your life miserable, so it’s no wonder that women head to their primary doctor for relief. Unfortunately, the synthetic chemicals in typical prescription medication to balance the hormones can be harsh and cause unwanted side effects. If you prefer a more natural alternative. Your provider will discuss Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy with you in depth and answer all of your questions.

Many physicians previously worked in the field of traditional medicine and purposely decided to become a holistic provider because the latter allows them to spend more time with their patients.

Discovering which of your hormones is unbalanced and to what degree is an essential part of your individualized treatment program. Once your National Capital Region Menopause Specialist does that, he or she provides your information to a pharmacy to create your personalized compound. If this sounds like the kind of healthcare you have been missing, contact a local National Capital Region doctor who offers Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for treatment of menopause symptoms today.

Find National Capital Region Ontario Menopause Doctors Near You:

Kandis Lock, N.D.

Kandis Lock, N.D.

1047 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y2V6